Letter from Emperor Menelik II: GERD is our ADWA today

Letter from Emperor Menelik II: GERD is our ADWA today

My fellow Ethiopians,

With immense pride and admiration, I, Emperor Menelik II, speak from my heart to yours. It fills me with joy to witness the same spirit of determination and unity that led to our historic victory at Adwa in 1896 thriving in our country once again, as demonstrated in your unwavering struggle to complete the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). In many ways, the GERD holds the same significance for your generation today as Adwa did for mine in 1896.

Adwa stands as a monumental testament to Ethiopia’s capability to defend its sovereignty and independence. By rallying behind the GERD today, you have the opportunity to exhibit a similar determination to break free from dependence on foreign aid and ensure independence in energy production and economic development.

Just like Adwa marked a pivotal moment in our fight against colonization, the GERD represents your generation’s battle against economic imperialism. You must prove yourselves worthy of the heritage we bestowed upon you. Moreover, beyond Ethiopia’s borders, Adwa inspired other African nations to resist colonization and fight for their own independence. Similarly, the GERD has the potential to reshape regional power dynamics and embolden African countries to utilize their God-given resources for their own prosperity, shedding the remnants of neocolonialism.

While it may still be early in the journey, the GERD has the potential to become a symbol of national pride and unity, just as Adwa was for us. At Adwa, we showcased our capacity to stand against colonial powers and defend Ethiopia’s interests. Today, the GERD represents Ethiopia’s legitimate economic interests, and the determination we exhibit in rallying around it could become the symbol of our nation’s strength and unwavering pursuit of greatness.

Adwa also exemplified the power of unity and collaboration among Ethiopians. The collective effort and support of our entire nation were indispensable for our victory. Similarly, I am immensely proud that the GERD relies on the contributions and support of Ethiopians from all walks of life. Your unity and commitment to this project are paramount. Success hinges upon your collective effort and support.

Let us not forget the staunch opposition we faced from external forces during the Adwa war, threatening our nation’s interests and sovereignty. Similarly, today the GERD faces opposition from downstream countries like Egypt and Sudan, with the backing of certain Western nations. This is a timely reminder for you to remain vigilant in safeguarding our national sovereignty and interests against external pressures and challenges. Strive to protect our national interests and sovereignty while seeking peaceful and mutually beneficial solutions with our neighbors.

The GERD, akin to the victory at Adwa, embodies Ethiopia’s resilience in the face of adversity. Adwa witnessed our defiance against a powerful European colonial force, while the GERD confronts challenges such as funding shortages and diplomatic tensions. Yet, both projects persist and continue to inspire Ethiopians with their resilience and determination to surmount obstacles. Draw inspiration from the victory at Adwa and the ongoing GERD project, and persevere in the face of adversity to achieve our shared goals.

Moreover, the GERD has the potential to shape Ethiopia’s and the wider region’s future for generations to come. Just as the victory at Adwa established Ethiopia as a sovereign nation and inspired other African countries, the GERD can transform our economy and increase our regional influence. These projects embody a bold vision for Ethiopia’s future and necessitate the collective effort and support of every Ethiopian to achieve success.

Adwa showcased our resilience and ability to overcome challenges, the GERD project requires you to demonstrate unwavering commitment to progress. It is through the successful completion of the GERD that our beloved country will secure a brighter and more prosperous future for generations to come. The dam’s immense potential to generate clean and sustainable energy will not only address our nation’s power needs but also pave the way for industrial growth, job creation, and increased economic stability. By harnessing our own resources, we assert our independence and ensure the well-being of our people.

Finally, let us remember how the victory at Adwa strengthened our national identity and pride. The GERD is not merely a physical structure but a symbol of our unity and greatness, transcending regional and ethnic differences. I am pleased to witness it already bringing together engineers, workers, and supporters from across the country, fostering a shared sense of purpose and pride. Embrace the GERD as a unifying symbol, uniting all Ethiopians in the pursuit of economic development and self-sufficiency.

I urge you to remain steadfast, united and committed to Ethiopia’s sovereign and prosperous future, carrying forward the proud legacy our generation left for you.

GERD is your ADWA today!

Emperor Menelik II

1 Comment

  1. Kwame GONZA

    Unity Defeats any Challenge, through it we gain access to aggregated strength and hidden hope to carry on.

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